Rates 2024

Providing quality work in your mouth, is for us a high priority. Therefore we keep investing in our practice and our team.

Download here the rates 2024

We do not have any contracts with any health insurance company.
It is important for us to inform you that we do not have any contracts with any health insurance company.

We deliberately chose not to do that. When a health insurance company signs a contract with a dental practice, they can determine the price and the quality of the treatments. We do not want a third party to determine the quality of and how a treatment is performed. The health insurance company does not treat the patient and therefore they should not be able to determine the outcome of our treatments. By not choosing for any contract, we are able to decide, in conjunction with the patient, on how we can help someone as best we can. By this we can guarantee that our patients can decide for themselves, how and by whom they want to be treated.

That of course does not mean that an insurance company will not reimburse your dental bill, but it depends on how and where you are insured.

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